You want to have it all, right? I mean, who doesn’t want to have the money, the toys, and maybe even the purpose to go along with it?
The good news is you CAN have it all.
But there’s a catch:
In order to have it all, you’ve got to know what “it” is and then you’ve got to know how to balance “it.” Here are three simple steps to “check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
1. Find your void. The lack of happiness is the void people most often spend their lives trying to fill. The get a job they hate but that pays them well because they’ll be “stable,” which equates to happiness. They buy the fast cars, the fancy watches, the beer to drown their boredom, the time of a companion, only to be left with the same void once the thrill of the purchase has worn off.
If you fall into that category (and there’s no shame in that game! We’ve all done or are doing it!), recognizing the root of the behavior is the first step to balancing life’s scales.
2. Find your passion. The next step is to ask yourself, “if time and money were no object, what would get me out of bed every morning even if I could do it for free?” Would you write a blog about hot rods? Do people’s taxes? Play with puppies? Clean people’s houses? Unclog people’s toilets? Whatever it is, you’ve just put a name to your passion!
3. Fill your void with your passion. Now take that “get you up in the morning” idea and find ways to put it into practice. You don’t have to quit your day job – just yet – but if you love, say, painting your living room, offer to paint your friend’s living room for free. Or better yet, volunteer to freshen up a shelter or a pre-school, and just watch how quickly you’ll find your happiness in giving…and also getting as you’ll soon start having people ask to pay you to paint their walls so they don’t have to!
The more you allow yourself to enjoy what it is you actually enjoy, the more the void shrinks. What once seemed to be a gaping hole in your identity will quickly shift into an overflowing vessel of joy, happiness, and fast cars because you “want” rather then “need” them. And you’ll have enough in reserve to pay forward into others the wisdom and even a little cash that was earned from doing what you are here on this planet to do.
Sounds simple, right? It is, especially when you have folks doing what they love to show you the way. Connect with us here so we can help you start living the balanced life today.