Have you ever noticed how thoughts become things, especially when it comes to your money?
Think about it: you’re already stressing over how to pay the bills you have when two more come in the mail and you get a $241 speeding ticket on your way to pay the cable company before 5:00. It happens every time, doesn’t it?
If it’s true “what you think about you bring about,” then wouldn’t the same be true if we focus on wealth rather than debt? What if you were to renew your mind with the idea of wealth being the norm and checks coming in the mail instead of bills?
Sound far-fetched and too good to be true? Try it for yourself. It takes 21 days to create a new habit, so for the next 30 days (so it can really set in), follow these seven mind-altering habits to think your way into a healthy relationship with money and wealth.
1. Think about Increase, not Decrease.
You know you’re already obsessing about money anyway, so why not start thinking about it in a more positive way? Focus on what you’re gaining instead of what you perceive you’re losing, and soon that frown will turn upside down each time money crosses your mind.
2. Be Grateful. Appreciating what you already have is a fabulous way to bring more of what’s good into your life. Meditating on the blessings you’ve already received is a great way to say “Thanks, God! And please, sir…may I have some more?!”
3. Pay Your Bills with a Smile. Any time a thought comes to mind about “how will I pay this bill?” think instead, “Hooray, I get to pay for this again this month!” Positivity sparks creativity and increase; debt strangles life.
4. Check your Circle of Influence. You’re a sum total of the five closest people to you. Are you surrounded by folks who think broke? If so, it’s time to level up, chance your circle and spend time around people who have what you want so you can learn to do what they do.
5. Speak Wealth. Just as your thoughts have creative power, so do your words. Next time you catch yourself about to speak life into your debt, check yourself and speak life into your increase and wealth instead.
6. Think Big and Act on It. If the Rolls Royce drop-top Phantom is your dream car, go test drive it. Experience creates reality, and before you know it you’ll be believing you not only CAN own that Rolls but also that you DESERVE it! (And you do!)
Another way to experience “the good life” is to accumulate it in stages. Reward yourself with one of your dream dinner plates (if that’s your thing) until you have the whole set. Your self-esteem will sky-rocket and inadvertently so will your wealth.
7. Do What You Love Tap into what makes your heart smile and do more of that. Joy creates happiness; happiness creates creativity; creativity creates positivity; positivity creates wealth; and wealth creates more wealth.
See how all that ties together?
Remember: Thoughts become things and what you think about you bring about. You’ve experienced enough lack and worry. Make today the day you renew your mind to focus on the abundance of life and watch it begin flowing to you before you even get to Day 12 of the 30! And of course be sure to contact us if you have any questions.