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3 Reasons to Weatherproof Your Savings

Well, it happened again: that “rainy day” expense you’d been planning on saving for caught you off guard and left you standing outside without an umbrella. Whether it was having to replace the air conditioning unit or needing to take dog, cat, AND lizard to the vet, unplanned yet inevitable expenses (usually costing upwards of[...]
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4 Financial Goal-Setting Tips for Turning Your Dreams into Reality

You’ve heard it before: “Failure to plan is planning to fail,” but you’ve rolled your eyes and just kept “going with the flow” hoping the tides will flow that money tree right into your back yard so you can finally start living the life you’ve always dreamed about…or at least be able to take a[...]
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5 Steps to Smart Financial Decisions

Managing money is one of the leading causes of stress for the majority of people today. It’s actually been a pressure point for families and individuals for generations, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s no time like the present to flip the financial script and create a new mindset around spending and saving. Here[...]
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3 Ways to Save on a Bare Bones Budget

We all know what it’s like to be cruising along on financial autopilot when BAM! Out of “nowhere” a major “unexpected” hit comes and knocks us into a scrambling tailspin. Whether it’s medical expenses, taxes, that credit card bill we lost track of, car repairs or anything outside the norm, those extraordinary “hits” can set[...]
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4 Ways to Stabilize Your Finances on an Unstable Income

In the grand scheme of things, income is rarely stable even if you’re paid a regular salary. And was that a big “Amen!” I just heard from the freelancers and independent contractors as to how true that statement is? While we’ve talked a lot about budgeting a time or two already ( and, there’s no time[...]
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Trucking and Transportation

When people think of entrepreneurship, the first things that usually come to mind are network marketing companies and new start ups. What usually never makes their list of self-owned businesses is the trucking and transportation industry since most people rarely ever have to interact with that type of company other than passing semis on the highway. In this,[...]
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We empower small businesses by providing them a clear picture of the financial health of their business.

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JMV Financial Services
P.O. Box 172844
Arlington, TX 76003
Fax: 866-531-8570
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