6 Easy Ways to Make Extra Cash…This Week!

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Low funds in the bank account got you down again? Got more month left than you do money? Tired of trying to save but have to keep paying for those sneaky expenses that are always creeping up? Check out these outside the box ways of making extra cash THIS WEEK to help tide you over until your next pay day. And who knows? You might just come across a side hustle that becomes your permanent passion!

1. Clean out your closet…literally. Most people have more clothes, shoes, and “other man’s treasure” than they realize. Take an hour or two to go through next season’s “I might wear that” wardrobe and either sell it online or at a consignment shop or donate it for a potential tax write off. If you tackle winter clothes in the summer, by the time the cold weather hits you probably won’t even miss that sweater from 2001.

2. Pay with cash. Hit up the ATM on Sunday or Monday to withdraw enough money to cover your expenses for the week. (If you’re not already on a budget, here’s a great resource for you to get started with one today!) The discipline of paying with only cash will boost your sense of accomplishment as well as lower the interest on all of your credit cards.

3. Save the change. Since you’ll be using only cash for the next few months (or forever if you like the rush you get from being so savvy), start filling up that abandoned change jar again and surprise yourself with how much extra money in coins alone you have at the end of the week.

4. Skip the lines…at the coffee shops and the restaurants. Take a few minutes to tally up how much you actually spend at coffee shops and “just one time” trips through the drive-thru for lunch and dinner. Next decide to put that money toward making your own coffee and meals for a month instead. Of course there will be those days when that afternoon latte is a MUST, but consider the fact that one bag of coffee that makes 12 cups is around $6.00 and one almond milk macchiato costs just about the same.

If time is a factor, set up your coffee maker to have your coffee waiting for you when you wake up, or go for cold brew concentrates that are just add water and go. You can even ask your company to install a coffeemaker which will help you save on those afternoon coffee emergencies.

5. Walk dogs. Cut grass. Babysit. Get hired to grocery shop. There are countless ways to make extra money this week with a side hustle. Dog walking companies are great ways to not only make new friends (of the fur and human persuasion) but also get some fresh air and exercise in the process. The same goes for cutting grass and even babysitting. And yes, there are even companies now that will hire you to shop and even stand in line for people!

6. Start your dream company. What is the one thing you’ve always said you’d want to do if time and money were no object? Do that! Take baby steps to get it started, and of course talk with a financial consultant who will help you map out the best strategy for your cash flow.

These are just a few ideas for you to kick around to get you started, and the longer you wait to get started the longer things stay the same. Change can be difficult for some people, but the benefits of controlling your money rather than it controlling you will impact your happiness and even your legacy. Give it a try. Really…what have you got to lose?

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