3 Ways to Reframe Your Money Game

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Let’s face it, we live in a society of convenience. Most Americans want the microwave version of life rather than savoring the flavor of a life lived “slow-cooked” and deliberately.

If you’re in the “microwave majority,” how is that working out for you…and your finances? Are you wondering where your paycheck went as you drive through the fast food restaurant on your way to pick up your coffee before you one-stop shop at the closest yet most expensive grocery store in town?

If you’re ready to make some changes to saving some change, reframing the way you think about convenience and your shopping habits is the name of this money game!

1. Be deliberate. Do some pre-game planning on big purchases as well as your small ones. For example, if you need a new water heater (because most of us can live without a TV…) find out from a professional the specifications you’ll need for the heater to do its job effectively, and then do some online comparison shopping. Check reviews for name brand heather verses store brand ones. Look for free shipping. Find out if you can install it yourself or if you need to hire someone to do it. Spending a little extra time getting ready for water heater game day can set you up for the victory. You can potentially save hundreds of dollars by “studying” the opponent rather than walking onto the field unprepared.

The same goes for groceries. Make a list. Stick to it. If you buy bigger ticket items like meats, check store ads to see who might have the cuts you want on sale and determine if the savings is worth the few extra minutes and miles it’ll take to go to another store.

2. Be “cents”ible. To find out whether or not an extra stop in your already busy day is worth your time, do some math. (Thank you smartphones for having built-in calculators!!) Convert that 25% off to dollars and cents. Is a savings of $2.50 worth the gas and the time it would take to go to Target verses picking up what you need at Kroger? Some days the answer may be yes; other days spending the extra $2.50 might actually be saving you some sanity…and be worth every penny!

3. Be consistent. You know what they say: “Practice makes perfect.” Just like football players have to learn new skills and drills to get ready for their season, reframing your money game will take just as much practice…but the victory will be oh so sweet. Just think how you’ll feel when you start consistently racking up those extra dollars each week. Before you know it you’ll have enough “trophies” to finally take your family on that post-season vacation to Six Flags.

As they also say, “Change may not be easy, but it’s definitely be worth it,” but “you’ve got to be in it to win it.” So suit up, run the drills until they become second nature, and get ready for an undefeated financial season!

Still feeling a little nervous about how to run some of the new plays? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our coaching staff any time!

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