Finding an Outsourced Accountant: Tips Before You Choose

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Keeping track of all of your bookkeeping tasks can quickly become overwhelming. This can be especially true when you have so many other to-do tasks on your list as a business owner. Thankfully, you don’t need to keep all of those bookkeeping tasks on your list of things to do. Instead, you can choose to find an outsourced accountant. But how do you find an outsourced accountant who is the best for your business? Well, today, I am going to share four tips that will be helpful during your search for an outsourced accountant. 

Finding an Outsourced Accountant: Tips Before You Choose

1.  Use Cloud Accounting Services

As you are considering an outsourced accountant, you will want to look at how you are currently completing your accounting tasks. There is a major difference if you are still using the paper and pencil method or doing everything online. 

I recommend embracing the online method and then taking it a step further by utilizing cloud accounting services. This way, your outsourced accountant, and you, will have access to everything easily. The best part is you won’t both spend your days making phone calls, or sending emails, as you search for the information you need. Instead, you can simply search in the cloud accounting service program and have what you need in seconds. 

2.  Outline Your Financial Goals

Anyone you hire to do your accounting will need to be aware of your financial goals. If you don’t know what the financial goals in your business are yet, this is the time to get them outlined. This will make it much easier for your accountant because they will know what support you need right from the beginning. 

3.  Find a Team with Experience

Bookkeeping mistakes happen. However, most of those mistakes can cost your business a lot of money. If you want to prevent bookkeeping mistakes, I recommend finding an accounting team who has experience. 

You don’t need to find a team that has been in business for twenty years. Instead, consider working with a team who works with other businesses like yours. Those are the teams who will have hands-on experience that can be helpful when it comes to avoiding common errors. 

4.  Consider the Costs

Some business owners automatically think they need to hire an employee to tackle all of the bookkeeping tasks for the company. Or they struggle to do it themselves to save money. 

One thing those business owners aren’t realizing is that outsourcing accounting can actually save them money. Hiring an outsourced accountant is different from hiring an employee. An employee often costs more due to needing to pay for benefits and other overhead. 

Since outsourced accountants are independent contractors, you don’t have all of those extra expenses. 

This is why I always say it is best to consider outsourcing this task instead of trying to keep everything in-house. 

These are my helpful tips that I recommend you keep in mind, as you are choosing to find an outsourced accountant. They will allow you to find the best accountant for your business. If you would like to schedule a consultation to see if my team would be a good fit for your business, contact us today. 

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